Mephit Mail Central

Mephit Mail Central

Zachary Paladin of Zilchus -> Any interested party

Greetings fellow entrepreneurs! I am seeking backers in a business venture that will be not only doing God's work, but should be immensely profitable to all involved. Much of the economic woes that plague our fair city are due to the hording of gold by non-contributing members, namely the dead, or those creatures incapable or unwilling to spend it at our many fine shops. While I possess superior abilities as a warrior, am a fair hand as a combat medic, and I put the fear of the god of coin into those shambling corpses that would dare horde his divine coin, I seem to be all thumbs with many of the devious traps placed around this crypt. While any who would contribute to the liberation of the economy would be welcome to an equal share, I am specifically looking for one skilled in the workings of locks and traps.

If interested, please seek me out in the locked room in the crypt next to all the ghoul corpses.

Zachary, Paladin of Zilchus

  • a bright yellow light appears below the door... incantations are spoken and ghoulish screams are heard fromt he other side... the light gets stronger and the lock clicks... before the door finishes opening, the yellow light is replaced with a brilliant flash*